Some people may want to purchase a mailing list of Fresh Buyers Opportunity seekers. We provide you with a Fresh Buyers Mailing list A top resource in the country along with your master copy flyer! Plus, a print & mail service that can save you up to 70% off of Printing! You will also receive our powerful direct mail marketing kit that will teach you how to make $200-$1000+ Daily using direct mail. So, send out 50 or more flyers. That's great! THE AMOUNT OF EXPOSURE AND AMOUNT OF MONEY YOU CAN MAKE IS PHENOMENAL! You can if you want to (it will increase your earnings quite substantially). That decision is totally up to you. The possibilities are unlimited AGAIN WE ARE ENJOYING UP TO 8% to 9% RESPONSE RATE ON THIS LETTER ... THINK ABOUT IT!
A test of your own will show that you will receive as many as 4-5 orders for every 50 letters you mail. Fantastic but true! Now you can make a fortune all year around-every year...You can even include this very flyer in whatever else you may want to mail. It will enhance your mailing.
The cost of my "Every-Day Cash Blueprint" is only $200, but it is worth much more than that because of its success. You see we have a 93% Success rate for those that use our marketing kit and guidance. No more small tiny commission, just imagine getting multiple $200 payments coming straight to your front door. This is life changing and will change your life. This is opportunity knocking! Don't pass it by. You will not receive this offer again! I will send you everything you need to help you start making big money NOW! 4 and 5 figures per month is easily accessible to you when you use our "Every-Day Cash Blueprint".
Still skeptical? Don't worry, it's only natural, but keep reading try these tests send out 50 letters a week for a month...that's 200 letters. You will receive about 16-18 responses on a steady flow. This corresponds to OVER $3,600 a month if you only send out 50 letters a week! What do you think would happen if you sent 100 or 150 letters a week? That's over 600 letters for the month x 8%-9% response rate = 54 Sales X $200 = $10,800 just working a few hours per day or week (we have a 93% success rate and our Blueprint works or your money back). If you don't make at least $200 mailing our powerful flyer in 90 days, we will refund you every single penny. No questions asked.
The success of the "Every-Day Cash Blueprint" will blow your mind when you are receiving $200 Cash Payments and Money-Orders by the dozen every day! I'm so sure that my proven program will work for you, so if you are not happy with the results, simply send it back to me within 90 days for a full refund.
Please don't get my program confused with all those "Get-Rich-Quick" schemes. Why? Well for one thing $82,250 to $93,500 per year with our program is not "Rich" It is a nice living and an even better second income, especially if you're retired.
Please Print Your Information Here Clearly! 24/7 Pre-Recorded Message: 314-994-1033
YES, I want to receive $400-$800 every time I mail out 50 of the-exact same sales letter you will supply. Please rush me your "Every-Day Cash Blueprint". And if I don't make at least $200 a day mailing your special sales letter I can return the materials within 90 days for a full refund (less S & H). On this basis, I have enclosed $200 plus $5 S&H Cash or Money-Orders only.
*All Orders Must Be Sent via Fedex Priority or USPS Priority Mail for Tracking*
Name: ______________________________________________________ Date: _________________
Address: ____________________________ City: _________________ State: ___ Zip: ________
Email: ________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________
5707 Coquyt Dr, Mt Dora FL 32757
CONVENIENT PAYMENT OPTION - You may send your $205 to Quest For Truth Institute Inc. via Paypal as a Tax Deductible Donation. Enter your above informatiion on Paypal: Paypal.me/QuestForTruth
After you've secured your Founder's position, shoot me an email and I'll pay the Founder's Fee of $97 plus $5 service charge on your behalf after I receive your Everyday Cash Blueprint payment.